Specialisti in tanti settori che uniscono le loro competenze per fornire un servizio unico.

President and legal representative
President and legal representative of Med.O.R.O. scarl. Graduated in Economics and with postgraduate qualifications (Public Administration management, local development ), he has many years of experience in the design, coordination and reporting of development and training initiatives funded by the EU direct and indirect funds, also conducted by both local and transnational partnerships. He’s 'chartered accountant’ and author of publications on local development. Moreover, he has participated in numerous conferences and meetings as moderator or speaker on topics related to local development and European programs. He speaks English.
He cares about management and public relations.

Board member
Graduated in Economics and with postgraduate qualifications (SMEs Management Control, Public Administration management, Development cooperation), he has many years of experience in the design, coordination and reporting of development and training initiatives funded by the EU funds, also in transnational partnerships. He has played in teaching courses and management training seminars in the areas of Administration, Finance and Control Management and in the Eurodesign courses. He’s 'chartered accountant’ and auditor. As a journalist he has been publishing many articles on regional magazines and he speaks English and French.
He cares about management and public relations.

Graduated in Political Science and with postgraduate qualification in Educational processes, she has a long experience as a teacher, coordinator and expert guidance in professional and entrepreneurial post-graduate training courses mainly centered on tourism, communication and development of the territory. She has many years of experience as a consultant in public entities and private companies in the field of tourism development strategies, planning and organization of thematic tourist routes, initiatives for the promotion of cultural heritage, even as an expert in transnational cooperation projects. She’s also an official Tourist Guide for the territories of Eastern Sicily. She speaks English.
She cares about design and research.

Graduated in Economics and with postgraduate qualification in No-profit entities, he has a good experience as a teacher of accounting, tax and finance in professional and entrepreneurial post-graduate training courses. As 'chartered accountant’ and auditor he has many years of experience as a consultant in public entities, private companies and no-profit organizations in the field of accounting, tax, finance and internationalization. Moreover, he has participated in several conferences and meetings as speaker (University, Professional Orders, etc..) . He speaks English, German and French.
He cares about internal administration and research

Graduated in Computer Engineering at Computer Systems, he is currently a freelance professional in the field of information technology, in particular as a consultant for IT companies and as a designer, project manager and tester for technological and automation systems. He has been following, as project manager in a local company, the implementation of an ERP software for integrated management of all business activities (Logistics, Production, Accounting, Business Intelligence). The experience gained both in the company and as a consultant enabled him to evaluate the evolution of business management / organization processes, also in relation to the necessary approach with the new world of high-tech and web communication.
He cares about training and information technology.

Dario holds a degree in biomedical Engineering from the Politecnico in Milan. He is experienced in various programming languages such as C++, MathLab. He has been working on the last EU projects, materializing actions relating to administrative, technical and informatics aspects of the projects.
He cares accounting and IT.

Graduated in Economics and “chartered accountant” and auditor in Catania. After gaining a decade of experience in Italian territory for several department stores, he started a business consulting firm in 2003 and has been collaborating with several companies for the opening of shopping malls in Sicily . He also carries out consultancy activities for the Court and has held liquidator positions for some companies in the industrial and large-scale distribution industry. He is co-founder of a consultant company and he’s currently following the development of some business groups abroad, in association with an important English Tax and Corporate Consulting Firm. He writes for an important magazine of foreign taxation. He speaks English.
He cares about training and marketing.