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30 May 2023

Infinity Project and the community of Sant'Egidio

To complete the interviews with trainers and migrants aimed at research on financial literacy and training needs, a fruitful collaboration was started between Medoro and the Catania section of the community of Sant'Egidio. The research is the first result of the Infinity project in which Medoro participates together with several European partners. The project funded by the Erasmus+ program aims to improve the financial education of migrants: an often-decisive step for their inclusion in today's complex society. In Sicily, the Community of Sant'Egidio with its young people has begun to live on the front line the season of migrant landings with activities to support institutions in the reception phases and involving citizens in the collection of basic necessities. Sant'Egidio in Sicily collaborates free of charge with the reception centers for asylum seekers and with the SPRAR network, involving and integrating migrants into the social fabric.

Med. ORO. Scarl - Piazza S. Giovanni Bosco 8, Catania - P.IVA: 03768630877 | Privacy and Preference
