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Progetto Infinity: pronto il quadro delle competenze

Il quadro delle competenze necessarie a che un migrante possa acquisire quanto necessario per muoversi con maggiore facilità in campo finanziario è finalmente pronto e tradotto anche in Italiano. La definizione delle competenze in question è stato predisposto a seguito di una fase di ricerca nel corso della quale sono stati intervistati numerosi immigrati.

The second interpartnership meeting of the Future for education

The second inter-partnership meeting of the Future for Education project will take place in Catania from 19 to 20 October. The project aims to support teachers in the introduction of ICT technologies to improve the efficiency of learning methodologies. The meeting which saw the presence of the project representatives of the Chambers of Commerce of Bielsko Biala (PL) and Prerov (CZ) as well as of Medoro, took place in the premises of the Principe hotel. The meeting made it possible to finalize the contents and timing of the seminars to be held within the year as well as the final event to present the results.

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